Link Budget Analysis for Underwater Communication System

Yousif Mohsin Hasan, Nor Hisham bin Haji Khamis

Abstract: link-budget analysis is the method to get the link margin of the underwater acoustic communication and it considering the transmitter signal power, transmitter antenna characterizes, propagation losses, channel ambient noise, and receiver antenna characterizes. Link-budget analysis is commonly applied to satellite and wireless communications for estimating signal-to-noise ratio (snr) at the receiver. Underwater signal and the terms of the sonar equation translate easily to the formulation of the link budget. However, the high frequency dependence of the diffusion of underwater acoustics requires special attention, and is the result of an argument called signal to noise ratio channel. And compared too many of the problems of communication and voice navigation through link analysis of the large-scale budget. Link budget is applied to voice communications system using the same principles sea radio link budget. Three case studies have shown audio link budget of the utility systems in the design of broadband communications. Link budget is a useful tool in the perceived impact of the channel on the transmitted signal and evaluate the consequences of the strategic wireless transmission. Aim of this case of the research is design wideband frequency underwater acoustic communication system and comparative study of link budget analysis for underwater communication with the attenuation of the underwater channel by means of the modeling in the matlab software. Find out the channel conditions of the underwater acoustic communication in the wideband frequency are strongly range dependent due to underwater attenuation and interference noise.  

Keywords: Link Budget, underwater communication system.

Title: Link Budget Analysis for Underwater Communication System

Author: Yousif Mohsin Hasan, Nor Hisham bin Haji Khamis

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research

ISSN 2348-6988 (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 2, Issue 4, October 2014 - December 2014

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Link Budget Analysis for Underwater Communication System by Yousif Mohsin Hasan, Nor Hisham bin Haji Khamis