Abstract: Voltage instability is one of the major sources of power system insecurity. Modern power systems are operated to closer to stability limit due to economic and environmental constraints. The current scenario of modern power system is that, they are heavily loaded due to continuously increasing demand. Wind energy generation is the best solution to meet the continuously increasing demand. STATCOM, one of the FACTS device is the solution for voltage instability problems. The main purpose of the paper is to find the optimal location for the placement of STATCOM in a wind integrated power system for the enhancement of voltage stability. The analysis made in the paper is done with the power system analysis toolbox (PSAT), a powerful toolbox in MATLAB. Also this paper investigates the enhancement of voltage stability using STATCOM in a wind integrated central Travancore grid.
Keywords: Voltage stability, P-V curve, maximum loading point, STATCOM, wind integrated power system.
Title: Load Ability Improvement by Placing STATCOM in A Wind Integrated Power System
Author: Ashwini .L.H, Lakshmikanth Reddy .V
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research
ISSN 2348-6988 (online)
Research Publish Journals