Abstract: Roof tiles are designed mainly to keep out rain, and are traditionally made from locally available materials such as terracotta or slate. Modern materials such as concrete and plastic are also used and some clay tiles have a waterproof glaze. On the other side, proper and efficient disposal of agricultural wastes is being the key factor in solid waste management in most of the Indian States. In this project wehave prepared and evaluated the performance of low cost roofing tiles using agricultural wastes as raw material. Based on the results, it is suggested that we can efficiently replace significant quantity of M-sand in making roofing tiles with the rice husk powder in appropriate propositions which gave compressive strength as similar as before replacement. By replacing the M-sand in making roofing tiles would reduce its manufacturing cost as well as selling price and makes it more affordable. Thus preparation of such sand replaced roof tiles will significantly reflect healthy environmental and economic benefits.
Keywords: M-sand, Red soil, Clay, Rice husk ash, compressive strength.
Author: Mrs.K.Saranya M.E., Mythily.K
International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering Research
ISSN 2348-7607 (Online)
Research Publish Journals