Management of Sore Throat in Primary Care by Family Physicians

Abdulaziz Mohammed Ahmed Assiri

Abstract: This paper first discusses the burden of disease and diagnosis in primary care and the efficacy of antibiotics, other treatment options. Targeted detailed search was conducted through databases; PubMed/Midline, and Embase, for these articles disusing the sore throat management in primary care. Therapy choices for sore throat is few. Nonetheless, the diseases resolve without treatment and, with a few important exceptions, difficulties are rarely a problem. Family doctor should advise patients/carers how to relieve signs and manage pain and inform patients that if anti-biotics are recommended the program must be finished, that most aching throats could be self-managed and that persistent sore throats can be managed in primary care. Too notify patients that there is no guarantee that tonsillectomy will certainly prevent all sore throats in the future; inform patients of the difference in between bacterial and viral sore throat.

Keywords: Tonsillectomy, Bacterial and Viral Sore Throat.

Title: Management of Sore Throat in Primary Care by Family Physicians

Author: Abdulaziz Mohammed Ahmed Assiri

International Journal of Healthcare Sciences   

ISSN 2348-5728 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 5, Issue 2, October 2017 – March 2018

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Management of Sore Throat in Primary Care by Family Physicians by Abdulaziz Mohammed Ahmed Assiri