Manual vs Air Rotor Stripping “Just Do It with Care”- SEM Evaluation

Dr. Laxit Shah, Dr. Hina Desai, Dr. Padmja Arora, Dr. Nikunj Patel, Dr. Viral Harsora

Abstract: Grinding interproximal tooth surfaces to reduce tooth size is a common procedure in orthodontics. Several procedures are used in daily orthodontic to perform precise interdental stripping as part of the treatment plan. Reduction of enamel can be achieved with hand-held or motor-driven abrasive strips but also with disks or burs mounted on a hand piece nowadays ARS (AIROTOR STRIPPING) are most commonly used. A great deal of clinical evidence and reported data suggest that the burs used to reduce interproximal enamel create furrows and scratches that can lead to carious lesions, periodontal disease, and oversensitivity to extreme temperatures. So in this vitro study we compared manual and ARS stripping technique to find out which technique is less damage to the enamel surface with SEM evaluation. The purpose of this SEM investigation was to evaluate the morphologic effects of different enamel stripping techniques and of various polishing procedures.

Title: Manual vs Air Rotor Stripping “Just Do It with Care”- SEM Evaluation

Author: Dr. Laxit Shah, Dr. Hina Desai, Dr. Padmja Arora, Dr. Nikunj Patel, Dr. Viral Harsora

International Journal of Engineering Research and Reviews

ISSN 2348-697X (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 2, Issue 4, October 2014 - December 2014

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Manual vs Air Rotor Stripping “Just Do It with Care”- SEM Evaluation by Dr. Laxit Shah, Dr. Hina Desai, Dr. Padmja Arora, Dr. Nikunj Patel, Dr. Viral Harsora