Market Segmentation and Service Group: Summarizing Segment Groupings and Similarities to Establish Clusters

Lingga Kencana

Abstract: This research is aimed to know and analyze the service market segment that is formed, and know the service group based on the similarity level among the existing service. The research variables are physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and overall service. The research analysis is cluster analysis that serves to make group classification and summarize a number of objects to be less based on similarity or distance of inequality. Cluster analysis with two methods, namely K-Means Cluster and Cluster Hierarchy. The result of the research is the café consumer market segment that formed three Cluster groups, the first Cluster as "Cluster of Physical Evidence", the second Cluster as "Cluster Guarantee", and the third Cluster as "Cluster of Overall Service". There are also three groups of cafes based on service at the similarity level between cafes, namely group one is Sister Cafe, the second group is the Grand Cafe and Cafe 14 Mili, and group 3 is Glovic Cafe.

Keywords: Segments, Services, Groups, Similarities, Summarizes, and Clusters.

Title: Market Segmentation and Service Group: Summarizing Segment Groupings and Similarities to Establish Clusters

Author: Lingga Kencana

International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations 

ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 6, Issue 1, April 2018 – September 2018

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Market Segmentation and Service Group: Summarizing Segment Groupings and Similarities to Establish Clusters by Lingga Kencana