Abstract: Research techniques are a form of collecting and Interpreting data depending on the nature of the research. It is a planned Procedure, not a spontaneous one. It is focused and limited to a specific Scope (7). This study explains and discusses the procedure and Technique used to check the reliability of grip strength instrument (T.K.K. 5710, Grip-D Takei, Tokyo, Japan [Takei Scientific Instruments Co. Ltd]). Experimental design of single-Group repeated measurements. For the purpose of study, a total of 27 participants took part in the grip strength test. All of them are students of a university. The test was held during class hours. To perform the hand grip strength test a digital Dynamometer (T.K.K. 5101, grip-D Takei, Tokyo, Japan [Takei Scientific Instruments Co., Ltd]) is used. The data of week 1 and 2 is analyzed using SSPS. Descriptive Statistics was used for exploring the data along with normality test. It can be concluded that validity is more important than Reliability because if an instrument does not accurately measure what it is Supposed to, there is no reason to use it even if it measures consistently.
Keywords: Grip strength, reliability, validity and instrument.
Title: Measurement of Reliability in Grip Strength
Author: Mr.Satish Kumar Anumula, Ms.Chaitanya Beku, Dr.Y.S.N.Murthy
International Journal of Healthcare Sciences (IJHS)
Research Publish Journals