Abstract: Alternating current bridge methods are of outstanding importance for measurement of electrical quantities. Measurement of inductance, capacitance, storage factor, loss factor may be made conveniently and accurately by employing a.c. bridge network. The purpose of this paper is to measure unknown inductance and capacitance by using single a.c. bridge with the help of switching network. The bridge is a combination of Maxwell’s inductance capacitance bridge use to measure inductance of inductor and Schering bridge use for measurement of capacitance of capacitor.The methodology use for the measurement is to observe no sound from the detector i.e. making the bridge in balance condition and then applying the balance condition.
Keywords: Inductance, A.C. Bridge, Capacitance.
Title: Measurement of Unknown Inductance and Capacitance by A.C. Bridge
Author: Ms. Shrutika Kadu, Prof. Shrikant Ahirwar, Prof. Gudla Ramalakshmi
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research
ISSN 2348-6988 (online)
Research Publish Journals