Abstract: The overall use of mobile devices has made it possible to develop mobile e voting system as a complement to the existing e voting system. However, due to limited on board resource, it is difficult to achieve both efficiency and security strength for mobile voting system. traditional solution is to use symmetric encryption algorithms or hybrid symmetric and asymmetric algorithms at the expense of weaker security strength. In our proposed mobile voting scheme, the users votes are secured by using the elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) algorithm Finally, the election server administrator will sort the final result by success in reading the received encrypted information using RSA private key. Actually, this Electric-Voting protocol is more wasting time and energy than others E-Voting protocols since the voter can vote from his/her own personal computer (PC) without any extra cost and effort. The RSA public-key encryption system ensures the security of the proposed protocol.
Keywords: E-Voting, Cryptography, RSA, System Access Control, and Public-Key.
Title: Mobile Voting System Security Scheme Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Author: Aditya B Kakde, Dr. D. V. Rojatkar
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research
ISSN 2348-6988 (online)
Research Publish Journals