Abstract: The objective of the study was to establish the moderating effect of principal’s personality on the relationship between principal’s facial expression and performance of public secondary school in Nairobi City County. Hypothesis: Principal’s Personality has a Moderating effect on the relationship between Principal’s Facial Expressions and Performance of County and Sub County Public Secondary Schools in Nairobi City County. Positivist research philosophy, descriptive and cross section research design were used. Proportional and random sampling design were used to collect the data from 278 teachers in 55 Secondary Schools. The result confirmed the hypothesis that; a unit of change of Principal’s Facial Expression explained75.2% of the variation of the School Performance, a unit change of Principal’s personality moderated 34% of the relationship between Principal’s Facial Expression and Secondary School Performance and a unit change of interaction factor influenced 18.9 % of the variation of the relationship. This study was in line with past literature, that manager’s personalities strengthen organization performance. In conclusion, leaders in learning institutions should be sensitive to role of leader’s facial expression and his/her personality in School Performance. More research should be done in different organization with different organization cultures.
Keywords: Principal’s Personality; Principal’s Facial Expression; Nairobi City County, Public Secondary School, Kenya.
Title: Moderating effect of Principal’s Personality on the relationship between Principal’s Facial Expression and Performance of Public Secondary Schools in Nairobi City County
Author: Godfrey Ngunyi Mute, Prof. Peter K’Obonyo, Dr. James Njihia
International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research
ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)
Research Publish Journals