Abstract: This review paper deals with the infused nanoparticles within a concrete known as Nanoconcrete, has been an unidustrialized area of research that is yet to be commercialized. These exorbitant materials are still in progress of having their prices reduced through different sustainable production to get their way into the concrete industry as sustainable, durable and economical material. This paper summarized the literature survey including different nano particles like carbon nanotubes, nano silica, nanographene oxide, nano titanium oxide, etc. The microstructural and physical changes, enhance the properties of concrete. The future scope of nanoconcrete is on beneficial side, including improvement in infrastructure reliability and longevity, durability, improved safety against natural hazards and vibrations, reduced lifecycle cost in operating and managing infrastructures, and reduced burdens on resources, energy and environment.
Keywords: nanomaterials, nanosilica, carbon nanotubes, nanographene oxide, nano titanium oxide.
Title: Nano Concrete: A Review
Author: PriyankaDutta, Dr. Biman Mukherjee
International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering Research
ISSN 2348-7607 (Online)
Vol. 10, Issue 2, October 2022 - March 2023
Page No: 34-39
Research Publish Journals
Website: www.researchpublish.com
Published Date: 28-November-2022