Novel Method for Prediction of Internal Condition of Transformer Using Fuzzy Logic

LaxmanRao Alur

Abstract: Transformer has vital role in the emerging electric Power Systems and is the one of the main equipments in the Power System. So monitoring and maintaining their healthiness is very essential, by monitoring Transformers periodically and taking required action results in   increase of life of Transformers and also we can avoid secondary damages, electrical/mechanical hazards to human beings working near Transformers. If  any  problem is found while periodical testing /monitoring we can go for a planned shutdown which can save huge Generation Loss due to failure of Transformers in case of Generating Station. In general failure of Transformer can cause non availability of Generation/Transmission/ distribution for some time. So it is very necessary to monitor and take suitable action whenever any abnormalities are found in Transformers else it leads to failure of equipment further affecting the Power System Stability. 

Keywords: Transformer, condition monitoring, healthiness, Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA), Fuzzy Logic.

Title: Novel Method for Prediction of Internal Condition of Transformer Using Fuzzy Logic

Author: LaxmanRao Alur

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research

ISSN 2348-6988 (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 4, Issue 1, January 2016 – March 2016

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Novel Method for Prediction of Internal Condition of Transformer Using Fuzzy Logic by LaxmanRao Alur