Abstract: This study was conducted in Omdurman hospital medicine section. It is aimed to evaluate the nutrition educational program of diabetic patients and the diet ion follow up and the impact for diabetic patients available in the section during this study. 60diabetic patients were randomly selected to take part in the study. The data were collected through the questionnaire designed, for diabetic patients who briefed about the purpose of this study. The questionnaire addressed to diabetic patients, which included demographics information, such as gender, age, education level, occupation and income level as well as medical information such as history of the diabetes and types of treatment and include types and methods of nutrition education and assessment for diabetic patients, and also the evaluation of food services received during data collection period. The second type were collected due to the observation during patient interviewed for questionnaire. The Results obtained, the most of patients were men and their age ranged over 60 to 40 years (50%), and 75.8% of them were married. Most of patients addressed (87.5%) were educated in various education levels (khalwa, primary, intermediate and university) while 12.3 were illiterate. more than tow third of patients (83.15) were came from Khartoum state area and the others came from village round Omdurman and another state above half (62.0%) of interviewed patients were not joined with jobs (unemployed). (56%) % of patients had diabetes more than 10 years and (21%) had diabetes from 10 to 6years but others with diabetes in less than 5 years. Also the study demonstrated that the frequency of patients admit ion to the hospital which about (28%) of the respondents were admitted to hospital at the first time and (30.0%) were admitted at the second time and (41.7) admitted to the hospital more than two times.
The types of regimen followed by the patients who interviewed in this study were about ( 8.3%) concentrated only in diet control using as treatment and 25% used medical treatment only while most of them (66.7) were used diet control and medical treatment . 91.7 OF interviewed patients received nutrition education in the hospital section ,and 75% of them received it from nutritionist while 11.7 % received the nutrition education from doctors and the others5%received it from other health workers in the section, also75% took information about nutrition education directly by education as a group’s 66.7% of patients said that they had received enough information and 25% of them responds with received no enough and not satisfied for them , Also there were different resources used by patients out side the hospital and about 31.7% received education from TV while 28.3% received it from radio and the others were used an others resources ,also about 75% of patients said that they received printed material prepared by the nutritionist , and 80% of patients who received printed material said that it contains only dietary information , and 10% said its include only medical information but 2.75 said its include medical and dietary control and physical exercises . Also about (75%)of patients received nutrition education directly from nutritionist while some of them (16.7%) received it from doctors and other health workers in medicine section and this information received to patients or co patients individually and not in the group discussion . The study show that 66.7% of patients said that they received enough information but 25% of them said it is not enough nutrition information for blood glucose control. More than tow third of patients (83.3%) said the dietitian visits them daily to the section and some of them 5%said the diet ionvisits is weakly and 3.3%responds that is tow time /wreaks . In the evaluation of the food and food services the study show that most of patients disagree with the quantity and quality and food handling, Due to the observation during interviewing diabetic patients, all of the food handlers had not in suitable wearing during food distribution to the patients and some of patients refuse to take the meal had distributed by hospital food handlers.
Keywords: Omdurman hospital medicine section, diabetic patients, dietitian visits.
Title: Nutrition Education for Hospitalized Individuals with Diabetes in Omdurman Hospital Medicine Section
Author: Dr. Mona Abdalgadir Ahmed
International Journal of Healthcare Sciences
ISSN 2348-5728 (Online)
Research Publish Journals