Operating Speed Profiling On Horizontal Curves

Bybin Paul, Jaina U N, Linu Joy, Sikha Surendran, Sreeja V

Abstract: The objective of this paper is to develop the 85th percentile operating speed models at mid-curve that can be integrated based on shoulder width, degree of curve, length and radius of simple horizontal curves for the horizontal curve on Kerala two-lane rural highways conditions. The speed data measurement is based on Spot Speed Data at specified points and location manually.. The geometric parameters such as radius of curve, shoulder width, degree of curve and length of curve are used to recognize the effect of operating speed models at the mid-curve. If this 85th percentile operating speed prediction model using multiple linear regression analysis is implemented and enhanced into current guideline and standard in Kerala, it could play an important role in designing or redesigning of the horizontal alignment for two-lane rural highway in Kerala.

Keywords: Operating speed model, Design speed, Radius of curvature.

Title: Operating Speed Profiling On Horizontal Curves

Author: Bybin Paul, Jaina U N, Linu Joy, Sikha Surendran, Sreeja V

International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering Research   

ISSN 2348-7607 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 3, Issue 1, April 2015 - September 2015

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Operating Speed Profiling On Horizontal Curves by Bybin Paul, Jaina U N, Linu Joy, Sikha Surendran, Sreeja V