Opportunities for Foreign Education Providers in India

Dinesh Kumar, Dr. Manmohan Rahul

Abstract: India’s vast population, huge domestic market, growing economy, rapid development and advancement on technology front, liberal government policies on FDI makes it an ideal option for investment in present and future environment. All the major industries of the world are attempting to have a share of Indian market by doing various treaties at government and industries level. However, despite India’s higher education system has emerged as one of the largest education system in the world, yet the participation or investment by the foreign investors is not appropriate, which may be due to the apprehension of foreign education institutions about the return on their investment in India. In this research paper, the opportunities available to any foreign education provider in India have been studied and I am sure it will clear their apprehensions about India and make them rethink about their investments in India.

Keywords: Opportunities for Foreign Education Providers, India as an investment option, International Education Hub.

Title: Opportunities for Foreign Education Providers in India

Author:  Dinesh Kumar, Dr Manmohan Rahul

International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations

ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 2, Issue 2, October 2014 - March 2015

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Opportunities for Foreign Education Providers in India by Dinesh Kumar, Dr. Manmohan Rahul