Overcoming poverty in rural area of Afghanistan through Humanising Entrepreneurship Education Programme

Jalatkhan Manssoori, Abdul Rahman Ahmad Dahlan

Abstract: Poverty eradication is one of the vital factors for Afghan youth to be educated, happy and for their well-being. Poverty in Afghanistan has increased over time, where most of the people - both men and women, are living in a very high rate of national poverty line. Households in Afghanistan have higher number of young children, relying on child labour, illiterate head and a head employed in informal labour sector. This paper offers validated business model on humanising entrepreneurship programmes to overcome the high rate of national poverty level in Afghanistan. Also, this paper discusses the initial Business Model options - Canvas (BMC) and Value Proposition Design (VPD). This paper adapted the design thinking approach. The approach includes conducting literature review and interviews by utilising BMC and VPC to analyse, formulate and design business model alternatives for Eradicating poverty in Afghanistan. The focus is on how to reduce and eradicate poverty, while creating decent jobs and spur economic growth for youth through humanising entrepreneurship programme. Finally, these youth should be educated, trained and nurtured with relevant knowledge, skills and values in terms of jobs and value creation for themselves and others.

Keywords: Poverty, SDG, Afghanistan, Youths, BMC, VPC, child labour, households, humanising education, entrepreneurship programme.

Title: Overcoming poverty in rural area of Afghanistan through Humanising Entrepreneurship Education Programme

Author: Jalatkhan Manssoori, Abdul Rahman Ahmad Dahlan

International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research 

ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 7, Issue 2, April 2019 – June 2019

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Overcoming poverty in rural area of Afghanistan through Humanising Entrepreneurship Education Programme by Jalatkhan Manssoori, Abdul Rahman Ahmad Dahlan