Abstract: We aimed by this review study to discuss and overview the prevalence of Impetigo and scabies worldwide, and dermatological consequences beyond that, as well as to review the treatment options for these dermatological diseases. We searched Medical databases; MEDLINE, PubMed, and Emabse, for studies that reported on the epidemiology of scabies and impetigo, and also those studies discussing the treatment approaches of same diseases, Mesh terms as following; “scabies”, “Sarcoptes scabiei”, “impetigo”, or “dermatological disease”, combined with “incidence”, “prevalence”, “epidemiology”, “diagnosis”, or “Treatment”. Restriction was applied to only English language studies with human subjects published up to January 2017. Island nations of the Pacific were the most afflicted populations, with scabies and impetigo especially common in children. Other locations where scabies frequency was particularly high consisted of Panama, parts of Brazil, and Indigenous neighborhoods of northern Australia. Scabies and impetigo were especially common in tropical developing countries. There are safe and efficacious treatments readily available for these typical skin infections, yet in lots of locations where disease burden is highest, bit has altered with regards to control. Ongoing research checking out risk factors and aetiology, improved approaches for medical diagnosis and approaches to both private and neighborhood based treatment is needed.
Keywords: Impetigo, scabies, Sarcoptes scabiei, dermatological disease, incidence, Treatment.
Title: Overview of Epidemiology and Treatment Impetigo & Scabies
Author: FATEN SAUD M ALJEHANI, Mohammed Ayed M Alshammari, Mohammed Ahmed M Alabyad, Arwa talal d algaidi, FAWAZ TARIQ H ALSAMDANI, Abdullah Ahmed A Alghamdi
International Journal of Healthcare Sciences
ISSN 2348-5728 (Online)
Research Publish Journals