Abstract: Palm vein authentication is one of the most reliable authentication. Which contain physiological body characteristics that can be used to distinguish between users. In this paper we represent in new approach for the personal identification in the palm vein image.This paper represent the contactless palm vein authentication device that takes blood vessel pattern as a personal identification. It is one of the most critical and challenging task to meet upcoming demand for stringent security. Vein are internal in the body and have wealth of differentiating feature assuming false identity through forgery is externally difficult, thereby enabling and externally high level of security. The palm secure works by capturing a person’s vein pattern image while radiating it with near infrared rays. The palm secure detects the structure of the pattern of veins on palm of the human hand with the at most precision .The sensor emits a near infrared beam towards the palm of the hand and the blood flowing through these back to the heart with reduced oxygen absorb as black pattern. This pattern is a recorded by the sensor and is stored in encrypted from in a database, on a token or an a smart card. It is consist of small palm vein scanner. That is easy and nature to use, fast and highly accurate.
Keywords: Biometric authentication, Palm-Vein Recognition, Vascular Patterns, ROI extraction, feature extraction, Pattern matching.
Title: Palm Vein Authentication
Author: Ukirde Archana , Momale Shraddha, Waghmare Shital, Mandlik Swati
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research
ISSN 2348-1196 (print), ISSN 2348-120X (online)
Research Publish Journals