Patriarchy Through the Eye of Mariama Bâ in So Long a Letter

Amal Mustafa Fadlelseed Al Balola, Dr. AbdulMahmoud Idrees Ibrahim

Abstract: Mariama Ba’s So Long a Letter Published in 1980, recounts the stories of two women and their husbands, lifelong friends living in Senegal during the post-colonial period of national reformulation. The novella is written in the form of a lengthy epistle from one woman, Ramatoulaye, to her beloved friend Aissatou. Ramatoulaye, the book’s speaker, has just experienced the death of her husband, Modou, and as a devout Muslim woman, she is central to the ceremonies performed for her husband’s burial. Like Ramatoulaye, Aissatou also is without her husband, Mawdo Ba, having divorced the man after his taking of a second wife. This paper dealt with the Patriarchy Through the Eyes of Mariama Bâ inSo Long a Letter . Society remains a central aspect for discussion as people form society and society is people. This paper aimed at discussing the feminism, the role of woman, masculinity, divorce, , motherhood and widowhood. Thus, revitalization brings nuanced and novel approaches in the analysis of So Long a Letter. The significance of this paper lieson the importance of the family integration and dividing the roles among the family within the novelso long a letter. The method conducted on this paper is an analytical descriptive method for collecting data. The findings of this paper revealed that, the necessity of conducting many studied on the African families to detect the tradition and customs towards the family mechanism under the umbrella of patriarchy in so long a letter. This study recommends that Feminism as a socio-political movement, should be geared towards the recognition of the potentials of women as human beings. It should emphasis that women be given equal opportunities with their male counterpart in various areas of human activity and de-emphasize the issue of achieving equality with men, because from creation time down to the message in the holy Bible and the Koran, women are made to be under men and submissive to men. The paper suggest conducting in the internal bonds of the family in the Africa Muslim community.

Keywords: Patriarchy, Feminism, Divorce, Motherhood, Widowhood and religion and Culture.

Title: Patriarchy Through the Eye of Mariama Bâ in So Long a Letter

Author: Amal Mustafa Fadlelseed Al Balola, Dr. AbdulMahmoud Idrees Ibrahim

International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research   

ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 5, Issue 4, October 2017 – December 2017

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Patriarchy Through the Eye of Mariama Bâ in So Long a Letter by Amal Mustafa Fadlelseed Al Balola, Dr. AbdulMahmoud Idrees Ibrahim