Abstract: In India, girls who constitute a sizable segment of its population form a vulnerable group and are at a greater risk of morbidity and mortality. Anemia is widely prevalent in India and it affects both sexes and all age groups. Among gender, girls constitute a vulnerable group particularly in developing countries. In a family with limited resources, the female child is more likely to be neglected. The added burden of menstrual blood loss precipitates the crisis too often. The age of 17 to 23 years is the formative period for girls in life who starts to face society at individual level after schooling. And this is also a susceptible period in the human life cycle for the development of nutritional anemia. Hence this study was planned to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices of college going girls towards anemia and its risk factors. The Convenient Sampling Method was used for this study to select respondents. The sample comprised of 150 College going girls from different age groups and locations in Chennai city is collected using KAP Survey. Simple statistical method is carried out to fulfil the objective of the study and analyze by using SPSS software - version 17. Thus the result reveals that, majority of them had no full or correct information about anemia. The level of knowledge, Attitude and practice regarding anemia, prevention, diagnosis and medical management is not good enough. Health education on Anemia and its risk factors is required to improve and maintain the level of knowledge and aptitude of Adolescents girls in Chennai.
Keywords: Anemia, College Girls, KAP survey.
Title: Perception of Anaemia among Adolescents: A Quantitative Approach
Author: Anees Fathima S. M., Dr. Rajeswari M.
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations
ISSN 2348-1218 (print), ISSN 2348-1226 (online)
Research Publish Journals