Abstract: Perception of Monosyllabic Words Containing High Frequency Sounds in Children with Hearing Aid and Cochlear Implant.
Introduction: Word recognition is a complex process, involving the integration acoustic-phonetic signal, and contextual information. Children perceive familiar words more accurately than unfamiliar words which get distorted in hearing impaired (HI) population. This study aims to compare the performance of HI i.e. in hearing aid users and cochlear implant users for high frequency sounds.
Methodology: The study included, 20 children in two group with hearing impairment (70- 90dBHL), age ranging 6-12 years. (Group I- hearing aid users and Group II- cochlear implantee), with at least of 2 years of experiencing a device and intensive therapy. Tests included a closed set of meaningful and monosyllabic words containing high frequency sounds like /s/, /sh/, /f/, /th/, /k/ (Northern and Downs, 1984). Performances of children were compared by t-test analysis.
Results: Significant difference was present between perception of hearing aid users and cochlear implantee on monosyllabic words in both groups at levels of 0.05 & 0.01.
Discussion: Hearing aid amplifies sound, strongly stimulating the low frequency hair cells deep inside the cochlea, and improving the perception. If high frequency hair cells are non-functioning, the brain will miss out the high frequency elements of the sound as in case of hearing aid user whereas cochlear implantee has all the frequency stimulated by electrode array.
Keywords: Monosyllabic Words Containing, Word recognition.
Title: Perception of Monosyllabic Words Containing High Frequency Sounds in Children with Hearing Aid and Cochlear Implant
Author: Sushant G. Gupta
International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)
Research Publish Journals