Phytochemical Analysis and Preliminary in Vitro Non Mutagenic Activity of Caulis bambusae Stem Extract

Oshilonya, H.U., L.U., Ijioma, S.N

Abstract: In this study, the phytochemical composition and mutagenic potential of Caulis bambusae stem extract were investigated following standard procedures, with a view to ascertain its health implications and possible deleterious effects on body cells. Results of the phytochemistry showed that Caulis bambusae stem extract contains flavonoids (0.09%), alkaloids (0.05%), tannins (2.10mg/dl), steroids (1.40mg/dl), carbohydrates (22.30%), anthraquinone (0.03%), glycosides (0.14%), and saponins (1.75mg/dl), while the mutagenicity study on characterized E. coli strain showed no significant increase (P>0.05) in induced tryptophan revertant colonies and a mutagenic index of 1.00±0.12µg/plate when compared to the positive control, indicating absence of mutagenic potential. The significant presence of these phytochemical agents in Caulis bambusae suggests that the plant is highly enriched with bioactive substances which can be harnessed into safe and potent medicines for the treatment of diseases and also gives credence to the use of the plant in ethno medicine for the treatment of various ailments.

Keywords: Caulis bambusae, Ethno medicine, Mutagenecity, Phytochemical, Plants.

Title: Phytochemical Analysis and Preliminary in Vitro Non Mutagenic Activity of Caulis bambusae Stem Extract

Author: Oshilonya, H.U., Oshilonya, L.U., Ijioma, S.N

International Journal of Healthcare Sciences   

ISSN 2348-5728 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 5, Issue 1, April 2017 – September 2017

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Phytochemical Analysis and Preliminary in Vitro Non Mutagenic Activity of Caulis bambusae Stem Extract by Oshilonya, H.U., L.U., Ijioma, S.N