Preparedness of MBA students for On-Line Learning: An empirical study during Covid-19

Dr. Snigdha Mishra, Prof. Rachna Nigam

Abstract: The nationwide COVID-19 lockdown has forced schools, colleges and universities to halt their academic progression and send their students home which, in turn, has impacted student population across the globe. The closure has placed unprecedented challenges on governments, institutions, teachers, parents and care givers around the world.

Many countries are continuing to handle this disruption by deploying different modes of learning through a mix of technologies. In almost all countries, teachers have started delivering virtual live lessons and online classes seems to be gaining popularity. Keeping the above intent in the background the researhers are making an attempt Preparedness of MBA students for On-Line Learning to combat the challenges of lockdown, as well as survival strategies post lockdown.

Keywords: Online Learning, Online Teaching, Students’ Preparedness, New Technology, Teaching Aid.

Title: Preparedness of MBA students for On-Line Learning: An empirical study during Covid-19

Author: Dr. Snigdha Mishra, Prof. Rachna Nigam

International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations 

ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 8, Issue 1, April 2020 - September 2020

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Preparedness of MBA students for On-Line Learning: An empirical study during Covid-19 by Dr. Snigdha Mishra, Prof. Rachna Nigam