Abstract: Background: High blood pressure, especially preeclampsia and eclampsia, is still a major cause of maternal and/or perinatal morbidity and mortality in several parts of the world, including Indonesia.
Purpose: Knowing the description of pregnancy cases with complications of high blood pressure at dr. R Soeharsono Hospital
Result: Most cases (62.5%) of pregnancy with complications of Preeclampsiawere aged 35 years, but quite a lot (37.5%) cases were over 35 years old, in fact there were 6.25% aged 40 years and over. In addition, there is also 1 case who is 15 years old and unmarried. Although the majority (39.1%) of cases were second and third pregnancies, 28.12% were primi gravida, and 32.82% were fourth or more pregnancies or grande multipara. In fact, there are 1.56% of cases of pregnancy in the sixteenth. The age of pregnant women was mostly 84.12% of cases with gestational age at term, and 35.94% of cases of Preeclampsiawith severe features, 26.56% of cases of Preeclampsiawithout severe features, 4.69% of cases with superimposed pre-eclampsia, and only 1.56% of eclampsia cases. Almost all 98.44% were singleton pregnancies, most of them 89.06% had a body mass index above normal (over weight and obesity). A total of 93.75% used the financing of the National Health Insurance, and 79.69% were born by cesarean section. There were no cases of maternal death, most (85.94%) were born in a vigourous state, 7.82%) died and 1.56% were with asphyxia.
Conclussion: The case of pregnancy with complications of high blood pressure at dr. R Soeharsono Hospital Banjarmasin is mostly Preeclampsiawith severe features, multiparity pregnancy, aged 35 years, singleton pregnancy, overweight and obesity. There are still many pregnancies with complications of high blood pressure over the age of 35 years, grande multipara, and caesarean section performed.
Keywords: Preeclampsia, Ecclampsia, Hypertension, Pregnancy.
Author: I Made Aryasa Mugi Raharja, Wina Kartika Wati
International Journal of Healthcare Sciences
ISSN 2348-5728 (Online)
Research Publish Journals