Abstract: The Psychosocial implications of substance abuse on long distance drivers, families and society in Iwo Local Government garages of Osun state were studied to identify various substances of abuse, where they were often procured, how they were abuse and the common routes of administration.
Interviews and questionnaire were used to elicit detail information from the respondents. The result of the study showed that larger percentage of the respondents were growing adults of age range 25-35 years. Poor parenting and broken homes are largely responsible for early exposure of most respondents to substance use and abuse.
Among the legal drugs, alcohol and cigarette were the most commonly abuse while marijuana (Indian hemp) top the category of illegal substance that is often abused due to the cost and non-availability of others like cocaine and heroine. The study also discovered multiple drug use in most drivers. Psychosocial implications of substance abuse were also discovered.
These ranges from neglect of personal hygiene, family disruption, broken homes avoidable accidents and problems with the law enforcement agents. It was also discovered that, there is no enabling law or edict prohibiting hawking, sales and consumption of substance of abuse in motor garages and if such law ever exists, it is not enforced as substance of abuse were seen freely exchanging hands in these garages. And that is why peer group influence was so strong in the ways by which they are introduced to these drugs. Other reason according to the study is frustration due to bad economy in the country.
Lastly, there is dearth need of information on the relationship of substance abuse and driving, further study is therefore needed in other local government areas and states to help government formulate definite pronouncement that will prohibit hawking, sales and consumption of substance use in garages nationwide.
Keywords: Substance abuses Psychosocial implication long distance drivers, society and families.
Title: Psychosocial implication Of Substance Abuse on the families of Long-Distance Drivers, Families and Societies in Iwo, Osun State
Author: Kamoru .A Adesina, Dr Lasebikan
International Journal of Healthcare Sciences
ISSN 2348-5728 (Online)
Research Publish Journals