QUANTUM COMPUTING The Fifth Industrial Revolution (5IR). Are We Ready?

Abdullah S Alessa

Abstract: For decades, the technology is shaping from the first Mechanization and Steam Power to the second IR Mass Production and Assembly Line, evolving to the third IR Automation and Electronics reaching the 21th century fourth IR in Digitalization. So, what is the next big thing? Are we ready for the new technologies that next revolution brings? The future technologies are taking shape, and enterprises are preparing for the Fifth IR “Personalization” were man and machine co-operate the earth. Are we ready for such mass customization and personalization for customers, and putting human’s intelligence back in industrial production and robots in front? One particular technology that will help us achieve such revolution balance is Quantum Computing, this technology touch base on many applications like Optimization, Simulation, Sampling, Artificial Intelligence, Advance Machine Learning and more. this paper will explain many aspects of this technology and how governments and enterprises are strategically planning and spending on such technology and its threats.

Keywords: Quantum Computing, Qubits, classical computing, supercomputers, Quantum-safe cryptography, cryptographic, computing algorithms.

Title: QUANTUM COMPUTING The Fifth Industrial Revolution (5IR). Are We Ready?

Author: Abdullah S Alessa

International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research

ISSN 2348-1196 (print), ISSN 2348-120X (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 9, Issue 3, July 2021 - September 2021

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QUANTUM COMPUTING The Fifth Industrial Revolution (5IR). Are We Ready? by Abdullah S Alessa