Abstract: This study addresses the supply chain management in its practical dimensions, the organizations objectives as per the missions and goals achieved in establishing the role of ICT integration in supply chain performance in distribution sector in Kenya. This research gives an elaborate explanation on how ICT integration enhances supply chain performance of an organization in a distribution sector. The areas examined include the core areas in ICT integration which include the ICT systems used in organizations, Challenges faced by ICT technologies i.e. security challenges and the significant elements with effect on ICT integration to enhancing supply chain performance. Various data collection methods were also employed as follows; administering questionnaires to the sampled respondents and use of survey techniques. After data collection, analysis was done using SPSS. Data was then organized, and summarized using descriptive measures: percentages, mean, standard deviation and frequency distribution tables while tables were used for presentation of the findings. Pearson’s correlations coefficients were in place to examine the relationship between the independent and the dependent variables as per the objectives of the research. The findings were realistic and positive that is, it was revealed that ICT integration, did have significant effect in enhancing supply chain performance, and hence ICT integration plays a great role in supply chain performance. The study recommended skill development through training on ICT integration and development of clear policies on the use of ICT to help curb criminalization which is the biggest threat in the ICT environment.
Keywords: ICT integration, skill development, organizations objectives.
Title: Role of ICT Integration in Supply Chain Performance of a Distribution Organization: Case of Metro Logistics Ltd
International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research
ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)
Research Publish Journals