Role of Soil Brick Industry in the Degradation of Land and Environment-A Case Study of Mallaram in Nizamabad, Telangana State

Sampath Kumar.K, Satheesh Chary Jakkoji, Santhoshi Bhargavi Chinagodaba, Karishma. Karne, Vinay Kumar G

Abstract: Increased urbanization and industrialization in developing countries has created a huge demand for construction activities, which in turn has resulted in the fast growth of the brick-making industry. Unfortunately, brick-kilns are mostly situated on fertile agricultural land and moreover the process of digging soil from agricultural field for Brick industry is frequently accompanied by severe soil erosion, and destruction of mixed vegetation cover and grazing lands. Further transportation of raw materials for brick industry that is soil leads to environmental pollution by mixing of dust particles in the atmosphere along with Co2 accumulation during burning of fresh bricks. However the opportunity cost of selling top-soil for brick making is likely to increase as good quality soil for agriculture become more and more scare. Basic objectives of soil conservation measures are: (a) protection of surface from splash erosion, (b) increase in infiltration of rain water, (c) decrease in volume and velocity of surface and subsurface runoff, (d) modifying biological and mechanical measures to increase the resistance of soil erosion. Also foam bricks and concrete bricks can replace this problem. The present study investigates on the role of brick industry in the degradation of land and environment at Mallaram in Nizamabad District of Telangana. Furthermore, this investigation shows the increasing of agricultural density due to the above mention process.

Keywords: agricultural density, environmental pollution, land degradation, Soil erosion.

Title: Role of Soil Brick Industry in the Degradation of Land and Environment-A Case Study of Mallaram in Nizamabad, Telangana State

Author: Sampath Kumar.K, Satheesh Chary Jakkoji, Santhoshi Bhargavi Chinagodaba, Karishma. Karne, Vinay Kumar G

International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering Research

ISSN 2348-7607 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 3, Issue 1, April 2015 - September 2015

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Role of Soil Brick Industry in the Degradation of Land and Environment-A Case Study of Mallaram in Nizamabad, Telangana State by Sampath Kumar.K, Satheesh Chary Jakkoji, Santhoshi Bhargavi Chinagodaba, Karishma. Karne, Vinay Kumar G