Rubiks Solving Approach by Edge-Centric Matching In Artificial Intelligence

Hareesh B. N, Sangappa Kuragod, Mahesh K. Kaluti

Abstract: the Rubik's Cube is perhaps the worlds most famous and iconic puzzle, well-known to have a rich underlying mathematical structure matrix. We show that the Rubik's Cube also has a rich underlying algorithmic structure. This paper tackled recruitment of computer to solve Rubik's cube 3×3×3 through a proposed algorithm by Edge-Centric matching that is moving edge center pieces towards their base colors by movements of faces as clockwise and anticlockwise directions. Dimension of the cube are Three layers, Upper-face (U) and Down face (D), Left-face (L), Right-face (R), Front-face (F). In case direction in anti-clockwise represent with faces ‘i’, Example Ri right-face rotates in anti-clockwise. The algorithm starts with Upper-face and top-layer, Next second layer, and third layer as well as bottom-layer will get matches. This method shows the new approach for solving Rubik’s.

Keywords: Rubik's, Edge-Centric, matches.

Title: Rubik's Solving Approach by Edge-Centric Matching In Artificial Intelligence

Author: Hareesh B. N, Sangappa Kuragod, Mahesh K. Kaluti

International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research

ISSN 2348-1196 (print), ISSN 2348-120X (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 3, Issue 2, April 2015 - June 2015

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Rubiks Solving Approach by Edge-Centric Matching In Artificial Intelligence by Hareesh B. N, Sangappa Kuragod, Mahesh K. Kaluti