Run & Roll Conceptual Business for Courier Service

Muhammad Nazhan Mohamad Abdul Nasir, Ameerul Afiqeen Ajemeek, Khairul Ikhwan Hammad, Abdul Rahman Ahmad Dahlan

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to provide a conceptual business solution for courier services. This paper will also contribute to the courier service market and transporter market. The application, Run&Roll, will be based on an on-demand delivery service that targets to make on-demand delivery services a norm in Malaysia and eventually throughout the world. Run&Roll will not just deliver food products, but also merchandises and a transporter service. The drivers can be the consumers and vice versa. Literature Review, benchmarking, Business Model Canvas (BMC), 4 Lenses of Innovation, and Value Proposition Design (VPD) have been used as the methodologies for this paper.

Keywords:  courier services, delivery services, transporter, BMC, VPD, 4 Lenses of Innovation.

Title: Run & Roll Conceptual Business for Courier Service

Author: Muhammad Nazhan Mohamad Abdul Nasir, Ameerul Afiqeen Ajemeek, Khairul Ikhwan Hammad, Abdul Rahman Ahmad Dahlan

International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations

ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 6, Issue 1, April 2018 – September 2018

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Run & Roll Conceptual Business for Courier Service by Muhammad Nazhan Mohamad Abdul Nasir, Ameerul Afiqeen Ajemeek, Khairul Ikhwan Hammad, Abdul Rahman Ahmad Dahlan