Abstract: The name of Homen Borgohain is the representative of the trend of Assamese novel. He is one among the remarkable writers of Assamese literature. Most of his works are inspired from his real life experiences. There are many notable features of his works. Among all the features are is his depiction of rural life. The way he depicts the rural life in his works is worth mentioning various social problems, exploitations and other such issues are vividly portrayed in his works. The lifestyle, habits, thinking of the rural people along with their emotional state is presented in a wonderful way in his works. There is also mention of economic and social issues along with the exploitations faced by the farmers. From his childhood associated with the wilderness and nature. And these experiences are depicted in his works through various characters and stories. This is also one of the reason behind his immense success as a novelist. Through this research paper there will a detail description of the presentation of rural life in Homen Borgohain’s novels. Descriptive method will be used to do the entire study.
Keywords: Society, novel, rural lifestyle etc.
Title: Rural Society and lifestyle in Homen Borgohain’s novel: A Discussion
Author: Rubi Bora
International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research
ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)
Research Publish Journals