Sanctions on Iran by US and its impacts on India

Sijo S. George, Arveti V.S. Sekhar

Abstract: The issue between US and Iran is one of the biggest issues of the current world and the decisions taken by both the countries have repercussions on the economy of other countries as well. There are various conditions that were imposed on the Iran’s nuclear deal during the time when Barack Obama was the president of US. The deal was signed, and later US backed out of the deal when Donald Trump became the president of US because Trump felt that Iran is not adhering to the deal and were up to something. Many recent articles were reviewed, and the details were collectively accumulated. Most of the issues related to the sanctions by US on Iran are covered in this article. The objective of this article is to give a clear idea on as much aspects of this issue as possible and also on the effects this issue had on the economy of India.

Keywords: US, Iran, Sanctions on Iran, Economy, Donald Trump.

Title: Sanctions on Iran by US and its impacts on India

Author: Sijo S. George, Arveti V.S. Sekhar

International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations 

ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 7, Issue 1, April 2019 – September 2019

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Sanctions on Iran by US and its impacts on India by Sijo S. George, Arveti V.S. Sekhar