Secured and Privacy Preserving Navigation for VANET

Varun Patil, Premala S. Patil

Abstract:  In this paper a navigation scheme is proposed which dynamically provides the route information with varying speed limits for various countries; also the source information can be authenticated. The privacy for the drivers who issues the query and the query (destination) are guaranteed to be secured (Unlinkable) to any attacker (Hacker) including the trusted authority. The concepts of anonymous credential can be used to achieve this. This scheme fulfills all other necessary security requirements for secured communication along with authentication and maintaining privacy of the vehicle.

Keywords: Secured Communication, Navigation using VANET, Privacy Management, anonymous credential, Data Encryption.

Title: Secured and Privacy Preserving Navigation for VANET

Author: Varun Patil, Premala S. Patil

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research

ISSN 2348-6988 (online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 3, Issue 2, April 2015 - June 2015

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Secured and Privacy Preserving Navigation for VANET by Varun Patil, Premala S. Patil