Abstract: This paper proposes Global System for Mobile Communications [GSM] based security system and automatic lighting system by using 3 degree of freedom [DOF] spherical type Robotic lamp. This integrated security system can provide motion in 3 directions for illuminating, tracking and capturing the movements of the human in confined area as well as to send an additional SMS alert to the concerned authority .The robotic lamp consists of three stepper motors for controlling the direction of orientation and also to control the intensity of light by zooming in and out. Also, it has infrared sensor to identify the location of person. The actuation of motor is done using microcontroller based system. When sensors of the security integrated system detect a person, signals are transmitted to the microcontroller to control the actuation of the motors, and sends SMS to the mobile number through the GSM. Lamp will illuminate, track and captures the movements of the human body. The two major functions of this integrated system are illuminating, tracking and recording the exact location of a person in the security enabled area and instantaneous sending of SMS alert to the concerned telephone number.
Keywords: 3 degree of freedom [DOF] spherical type Robotic lamp, Global System for Mobile Communications [GSM] based security system, additional SMS alert.
Title: Security Integrated System Using 3 DOF Robotic Lamps Along With SMS Alert
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research
ISSN 2348-6988 (online)
Research Publish Journals