Abstract: This paper presents the idea about radio frequency identification (RFID) technology in library automation. The use of RFID technology is a major factor to create a move towards self service operations and other aspects of improving efficiency in library. The drawbacks of current library automation and the need for new design principles that take advantage of technology such as RFID. The goal of this paper is to find out whether RFID render any significant benefits to library management and how these benefits reflect to customer satisfaction. In this paper we are using the RFID technology for identifying the books and persons based on unique Tag number and Microcontroller which is 89s52 architecture will process the data and sends it to a personal computer side data base in which the data base will be maintained about the person. The GSM sim300 is then interfaced to the personal computer that keeps track of the return date of the books and sends a reminder to the patron.
Keywords: RFID, Smart Library.
Title: Smart Library
Author: Preeti Jagadev, Megha Mapari, Sukannya Jamadar, Renita Coutinho, Divya C Thomas
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research
ISSN 2348-6988 (online)
Research Publish Journals