Abstract: Smart highway and smart road are terms for a number of different proposals to incorporate technologies into roads for generating solar energy. Solar roadways use solar panels, photovoltaic effect, LEDS and microprocessor chips with circuitry boards .The future of the roadways will consist of solar roadways taking energy efficiency and artificial intelligence into consideration. The renewable energy generated by solar road panels will replace the current need for fossil fuel which is used for generation of electricity as also oil used for driving the vehicles which in turn reduces the greenhouse gases nearly to half. The implementation of Solar Roadways Technology will create the clean energy boom, spurring private investment on a massive scale, with relatively little extra cost.
Keywords: Smart Road, Solar Roadway, Energy, Solar cell, grid.
Title: Solar Roadways-The Future Rebuilding Infrastructure and Economy
Author: Mr.A.Johny renoald, V.Hemalatha, R.Punitha, M.Sasikala, M.Sasikala (B.E)
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research
ISSN 2348-6988 (online)
Research Publish Journals