Abstract: Biosensor is one which is used to detect Diseases in human body. They are voltametric, amperometric and immunosensors. Amperometric biosensors are those which give current as output. The degree of oxygen content is measured in terms of current in milliamperes. Many dangerous diseases are detected through Biosensors mainly with amperometric biosensors. Biosensors are those which contain a biological element and a transducer. A transducer is one which converts one form of energy to electrical energy. In a biosensor the biological signal is converted into electrical signal. The biological element is Glucose Oxidase (GODx) popularly known as GODx Enzyme. It reacts with the living cell or a diseased cell and gives output in terms of current in milliamperes.
Keywords: Biosensor, oxygen, Enzyme.
Title: Some Case Studies on Biosensors
Author: K.Kalyan Babu
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research
ISSN 2348-6988 (online)
Research Publish Journals