Abstract: The aim of this research based on the formulation of the research problem is to determine the rate of deforestation, the level of land cover change in Lembo District and Petasia Timur District in the work area of KPH Tepo Asa Aroa during the period 2013 - 2022 through spatial analysis. Forests are natural assets that provide important benefits for life both ecologically and economically. However, if not managed properly, forest use can cause damage, one of which is through deforestation, namely the conversion of forests to other uses with canopy cover below 10 percent. Deforestation can be caused by natural factors such as climate change or disasters, as well as human factors such as logging activities and land conversion for agriculture or development. In Indonesia, deforestation continued to increase from 2009-2015, with its peak occurring in 2014-2015. Many human activities cause deforestation, such as illegal logging, plantations and mining. One effort to overcome deforestation is through the formation of Forest Management Units (KPH), which aims to manage forest areas sustainably. However, in the Tepo Asa Aroa KPH area, changes in forest function have occurred due to land conversion by the community, which was triggered by an increase in population and increasing demand for land. Land cover changes that occurred in KPH Tepo Asa Aroa (KPHP Unit agriculture (Pk, Pc and Pt (plantations, mixed dry land farming and dry land farming)) covering an area of 5,526.90 ha; open land/open land and mining (T and Tm) covering an area of 1,441.17 ha; bushes (B) covering an area of 4,393.59 ha; and cloud/non data (Aw) covering an area of 4,298.65 ha. The factors that dominate the rate of deforestation at the research location are changes in land cover that was originally forested into agricultural land/community plantations, as well as community land that has not been cultivated so that it becomes bushes and the clearing of mining land.
Keywords: deforestation, spatial analysis, climate change, forest.
Title: Spatial Analysis of Land Cover Changes in the Tepo Asa Aroa KPH Working Area
Author: Basri, Akhbar, Hasriani Muis
International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)
Vol. 12, Issue 2, April 2024 - June 2024
Page No: 24-37
Research Publish Journals
Website: www.researchpublish.com
Published date: 07-May-2024