Stabilization of Deltaic Soft Clay Soils using Irvinga Gabonesis Fiber Ash as Stabilizer

Charles Kennedy, Akpan Paul Paulinus, Letam Leelee Prince

Abstract: The study examined the functional use of fiber ash of irvinga gabonesis to improve the geotechnical characteristics of weak and unstable subgrade pavement of Iwofe, Chokocho, Ndoni, and Ogbele roads characterized with differential settlement, degradation and cracks that resulted from swelling and shrinkage due to seasonal variation of wet and dry. Preliminary investigation revealed the soils are dark grey in color (from wet to dry states), plasticity index of 31.10%, 24.55%, 31.05%, and 32.17%. The  soils has unsoaked CBR values of 7.35%, 7.75%, 8.15%,  and 7.85% and soaked CBR values of 6.35%, 6.23%, 7.05% and 5.55%, unconfined compressive strength (UCS) values of 87.85kPa , 78.75kPa,  105.75kPa , and 85.35kPa and has classified the soils as poor and unfit for its applications for road constructional materials except modified. Results of stabilized state obtained signified decreased values of MDD and increased values of OMC, this implies the increased in fibre ash content decreases MDD and increases OMC compaction parameters of stabilized clay. Comparably, results indicated increased in CBR of altered soils with optimum mixed percentage ratios of 7.5% to soils. Results also indicated that at percentage ratio of 10% to soils and above, decreased in values were noticed as well as cracked presence. Comparative results of unconfined compressive strength showed increased values corresponding to percentage ratio of stabilizer inclusion. Results, when compared to unstabilized soils decreased in plastic index with fibre inclusion. Entire results showed potential use of fiber ash of irvinga gabones is as stabilizer.

Keywords: Clay soils, Irvinga Gabonesis Fibre, CBR, UCS, Consistency, Compaction.

Title: Stabilization of Deltaic Soft Clay Soils using Irvinga Gabonesis Fiber Ash as Stabilizer

Author: Charles Kennedy, Akpan Paul Paulinus, Letam Leelee Prince

International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering Research  

ISSN 2348-7607 (Online)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 6, Issue 2, October 2018 – March 2019

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Stabilization of Deltaic Soft Clay Soils using Irvinga Gabonesis Fiber Ash as Stabilizer by Charles Kennedy, Akpan Paul Paulinus, Letam Leelee Prince