Abstract: The goal of this article is to review the state of the art in the technology for Stair-Climbing Power Wheelchair for people with disabilities, without help of any other person. The disabled person climb staircase with the help of wheelchair. a particular focus on the technology that is loosely referred to as assistive devices. In the process, we review research that has been done by different groups on Stair-Climbing Power Wheelchair for manipulation and locomotion.
We will be less interested in examples of devices that simply perform the mechanical function of a person's limb further therapeutic applications are beyond the scope of this article. Main goal is to provide the reader with an understanding of how the technology and science can be used to develop assistive devices for people with manipulative and locomotive disabilities. Also the analytical work carried out so far in this context is reviewed and discussed.
The main conceptual element’s that has been proposed to improvise on this idea is mainly to simplify the mechanism and make it work using human effort. The conceptual design, preliminary design, are being done and explained in the report. The usage of electronically operated motions is made in necessary parts (only if necessary). The report also contains about materials to be used and design aspects and constraints that we had to keep in mind while designing. Some of the drawings relating to our project are drawn. The models of wheelchair which helped us in getting an idea of this project are shown in the project.
Keywords: Staircase Climbing Wheelchair, Impaired Mobility, Low Cost Design.
Title: Stair Climbing Wheelchair for Disabled Person
International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Technology
ISSN 2348-7593 (Online)
Research Publish Journals