Static Analysis and Geometric Optimization of Independent Suspension Link

Vijaykumar V Solanki, Prof. N.S.Patel

Abstract: As the lower arm of suspension takes up all dynamic loads on it leads to fatigue failure of arm and it hampered the whole suspension and more prone to harm human also. This paper consider the von-misses stress analysis of present suspension link carried out for static deflection and von-misses stress contour plot are plotted. The result shows that maximum deflection range is 0mm to 8.22mm. And von-misses stress shows minimum value of 0.86Mpa and Maximum is 3752Mpa. As the max von-misses are above the yield point of material some corrective action is to be done at the point where the link is connected to the chassis. After observing the stresses produced on arm it is found that some metal thickness should be increases at the chassis connection point to avoid the failure. So the U shape bracket is implemented their and CP element is used to again define the connectivity between the previous model and new bracket. After change in design the Minimum value of deformation range from 0.00 mm to maximum value of deformation is 1.925 mm. and the maximum stress developed is 736.888 Mpa. And maximum stress shown at only stress concentration area. Means change in design increases load capacity of arm in dynamic condition and as stress and deflection decreases so frequency also improved. And for material optimization more safer the material IS 2061 Fe 590 WA is well suitable for the suspension link, as the maximum von-misses stress is well bell the 240 Mpa but still at some region higher than the 240Mpa, so it better to select the material which has higher yield strength compared to 240 Mpa and the Material Fe 590 WA is the next suitable steel material available as per Indian Standard.

Keywords:   Dynamic loads, Von-misses stress, CP Element, Deflection, Static analysis, Stress Concentration.

Title:  Static Analysis and Geometric Optimization of Independent Suspension Link

 Author: Vijaykumar V Solanki, Prof. N.S.Patel

International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD)

Research Publish Journals

Vol. 2, Issue 2, April - June 2014

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Static Analysis and Geometric Optimization of Independent Suspension Link by Vijaykumar V Solanki, Prof. N.S.Patel