Abstract: The paper endeavours to reconstruct the various practises of the Darlong; in particular, pertaining to women in traditional Darlong family .Customary law was established and implemented as a mode of social control for the Darlong Community. Focusing on the Darlong women in the traditional family through ethnographic studies conducted on the tribe. Darlong society is a patriarchal and Patrilineal till today both in social and political space is still dominated by men. The Darlong women play a very important role in everyday life. The earlier traditions have now lost much relevance and have been forgotten. It endeavours to recollect and compose the traditional practices relating to marriage, divorce, separation, adultery and Bringing up of children in a traditional Darlong Community. This paper tries to analyse the role and status of Darlong women in the traditional family pre-Christianity in 1919.
Keywords: Gender and social Class, Customary law, Culture, Marriage, village endogamy, land Rights.
Title: Status of Darlong women in traditional family from Northeast India
Author: H Theresa Darlong
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations
ISSN 2348-1218 (print), ISSN 2348-1226 (online)
Research Publish Journals