Abstract: With the increasing Globalization, the Stock Exchange has tremendously affected the financial conditions of India. The stock markets of the future will have a redefined purpose and reinvented architecture due to the advent and widespread use of technology. Information and stock price quotations are available almost instantaneously, and, more importantly, investors can act on this data by executing a trade from anywhere at any time. This new market will bring benefits to investors, the listed companies, and the economies of the company. Trading will become cheaper, faster and settlement will be simpler wit reduced risk. Raising capital for companies will become easier, thereby contributing directly to the Economic Growth. Already, NSE has shown its proactive response by increasingly using leading edge to technologies to effectively compete in the global environment. In the not too distant future, once full capital account convertibility is permitted in India, one could well witness an expansion of trading volumes and its resultant economic benefits to the thriving and ever young metropolis of Mumbai. In spite of all these positive predictions, the future of Stock Exchanges is likely to be uncertain and even their survival is a major question mark.
Keywords: Stock Market, Exchange system, Trading Procedure, Stock Exchanges, Investors.
International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations
ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)
Research Publish Journals