Abstract: Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) serve a strategic role in national economic development. So, it is necessary to do any strategic efforts and breakthrough to promote product innovation to reach the competitive advantage. This study aims to test and describe on the role of product innovation based on the entrepreneurial marketing and customer relationship marketing, to improve competitiveness. This study is done in export-oriented SMEs in Bali based on the Exporter Data in 2014 from the Trade and Industry Office Bali Province. The study sample is set up to be 85 business units, and selected using disproportionate sampling method. The data is obtained by survey and overall feasible to be used and analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling with software Smart-PLS. The study results show that the entrepreneurial marketing and customer relationship marketing are the important basics to create product innovation. Success in improving competitive advantage is determined directly by the entrepreneurial marketing and indirectly through product innovation. Entrepreneurial marketing turns out indirect effect found order competitive advantage through the mediation of product innovation. The results of this study provide evidence, entrepreneurial marketing and strategic role in customer relationship marketing strengthens product innovation, so that ultimately result in increased competitive advantage for SMEs
Keywords: Entrepreneurial marketing, customer relationship, product innovation, competitive advantage.
Title: Strategic Role of Entrepreneurial Marketing and Customer Relation Marketing To Improve Competitive Advantage in Small and Medium Enterprises in Bali Indonesia
Author: I Nengah Suardhika, Ni Kadek Suryani
International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations
ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)
Research Publish Journals