Abstract: The telecommunication sector, especially the mobile phone sector, in India is one of the fastest growing business segments of the country which provide a lot of value addition to the society with its service and creation of employment opportunities. At present there are so many mobile operators in the country. Bharati Airtel LTD, Reliance communication LTD, BSNL, Tata tele services, Jio, Videocon etc. All of them complete with each other to grab customers by providing wide range of services. The success of telecommunication industry depends on services provided by the company. Satisfaction of the customers is a valuable asset for the modern organization. In a competitive market service providers are expected to compete on both price and quality of service and also it is necessary for the service providers to meet the consumer’s requirements and expectation in price and service quality. This research focuses on customer’s satisfaction towards various mobile phones users particularly college students. Descriptive research method has been used for this study. It is found that there is no significant difference between satisfaction level of the respondents and their course of study.
Keywords: telecommunication sector, mobile phone sector, customers.
Author: Santhosh T R
International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research
ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)
Research Publish Journals