Study of Immunization Services for Children as Government's Responsibility in Providing Health Services in Palu

Fitra Kemalasari B., Sulbadana, Rahmat Bakri

Abstract: The aim of this research to analyze the fulfillment of children's rights to basic immunization to prevent disease and to analyze the state's efforts to fulfill children's rights to basic immunization. Human Rights are the rights possessed by humans which have been obtained and brought with them at the same time as their birth and presence in society. This right exists in humans without distinction of nation, race, religion, class, gender, because it is basic and universal. The human rights adhered to by Indonesia originate from Pancasila as the philosophy of the nation and state. Conceptually, human rights contained in Pancasila accommodate aspects of humans as individual creatures and social creatures. Recognition of human rights is principally reflected in the second principle of Pancasila. Children's rights are human rights that have been inherent since they were born into the world or are still in the womb based on existing laws and applicable laws and regulations, such as human rights regarding the right to complete physical, mental and social growth and development as well as the right to protection. from violence and discrimination by anyone based on the law as a guarantee so that in the future it can be useful for the nation, religion and family. One type of Human Rights that has just been included in the 1945 Constitution is the right to health which is stated in Article 28 paragraph (1), which reads "Everyone has the right to live in physical and spiritual prosperity, to have a place to live, and to have a good and healthy living environment and have the right to receive health services." Article 34 paragraph (3) states that the State is responsible for providing adequate health service facilities and public service facilities. Article 34 paragraph (4) reads "Further provisions regarding the implementation of this article are regulated by law." Based on the provisions of Article 28 and Article 34 of the 1945 Constitution, it is clear that the fulfillment of the right to health of every Indonesian citizen in the form of obtaining health facilities and public service facilities must be provided by the state.In practice, the Bulili Community Health Center as a representative of the government has fulfilled its obligation to provide immunizations to children as stipulated in Law no. 36 of 2009 concerning Health. The target or targets for immunization recipients have also been achieved, although there are still a handful of people who are reluctant to receive knowledge about immunization. Immunization has been carried out in accordance with applicable operational standards with competent workforce. Refusal to immunize children is based on parents' concerns about side effects that arise after injection and understanding of the long-term function of immunization for children. The immunization site has been recognized as clean, but there have been a number of complaints from posyandu visitors regarding accessibility, comfort and facilities. There are still people whose homes are quite far from the immunization site so they sometimes have to arrive late.

Keywords: immunization, children’s rights, government.

Title: Study of Immunization Services for Children as Government's Responsibility in Providing Health Services in Palu

Author: Fitra Kemalasari B., Sulbadana, Rahmat Bakri

International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research 

ISSN 2348-3156 (Print), ISSN 2348-3164 (online)

Vol. 12, Issue 1, January 2024 - March 2024

Page No: 77-90

Research Publish Journals


Published Date: 26-January-2024


Vol. 12, Issue 1, January 2024 - March 2024

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Study of Immunization Services for Children as Government's Responsibility in Providing Health Services in Palu by Fitra Kemalasari B., Sulbadana, Rahmat Bakri