Abstract: This paper presents image segmentation based on the combination of phase-correlation and region growing algorithm. In image processing image analysis is an integral part. In image processing different processes are done on images to enhance it at different parameters. These processes are not directly applied on images but before that it needs to be divided in smaller parts of interest, so that processing can be done only on the desired part. So segmentation becomes an integral and basic part in image analysis and error at this stage can influence other processing techniques. As in this paper an algorithm is developed for two different dimensions for two class images. Phase correlation is applied to determine spectral similarity. Similar and dissimilar pixels are decided according to the peak value of the phase correlation result to determine pixels that fall into the same segments. Region growing algorithm is used to expand the region from the seed point in which similar or dissimilar pixel blocks are decided by phase correlation algorithm. Experimental results show the effectiveness and efficiency of this method.
Keywords: Phase correlation, region growing, image segmentation, seed points.
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research
ISSN 2348-6988 (online)
Research Publish Journals