Abstract: This paper emphasizes the importance of swap transplants for living donor and recipient incompatible pairs. Swapping living donors for getting most compatible organs for the recipients has given hope to a number of donor recipient incompatible pairs across the world including India. Such donations ensure the recipients of living donor organs receive most compatible organs by swapping donors. This paper offers a glimpse of Indian scenario on swap transplantation. While challenging social, religious and political boundaries created by humans such swaps have united people and professionals across nations. This paper briefly describes Simple Living Donor Exchange Domino Transplant, Altruistic Donor Initiated Domino Transplant and Recipient Facilitated Domino Transplant. This paper enumerates the advantages of swap and domino transplant and describes briefly domino heart, domino liver and domino kidney transplantation. This paper deliberates on simultaneous and non-simultaneous domino kidney transplantation and persuades all states to adopt THOA amendments 2011 so that the benefit of swap transplantation reaches to all incompatible donor recipient pairs all over the country. This paper identifies some challenges for making swap or paired donation possible in all the states and union territories.
Keywords: Swap Transplant, Domino Transplant, Simple Living Donor Exchange Domino Transplantation, Altruistic Donor Initiated Domino Transplant, Recipient Facilitated Domino Transplant, Domino Liver Transplant, Domino Kidney Transplant, Domino Heart Transplant.
Title: Swap and Domino Organ Transplantation Transgressing Socio - Cultural and Political Boundaries
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations
ISSN 2348-1218 (print), ISSN 2348-1226 (online)
Research Publish Journals