Systematic review of bone turnover Biochemical markers in diabetes mellitus (DM)

Saeed Aqeel Alzubaidi, Asim Ibrahim Bin Salman, Aabed Abdullah Alguraigari, Abdulaziz mohammed bamberook, Fahad Sultan Al-Rajhi, Hamzah yahya khogah

Abstract: In diabetics with low bone mass, histomorphometry research studies recommended that osteopenia was because of reduced bone development rate . Hyperglycemia has actually been linked in the pathogenesis of diabetic bone illness and, reduced activity of osteoblasts under diabetic conditions has actually been reported in both animal designs and humans. The aim of this systematic review study was to examine Biochemical bone turnover markers between patients with T1D and T2D and evaluate the effect of glucose on bone turnover, and to evaluate the evidence based which involved the discussion of BTMs in diabetes mellitus. A systematic literature search was conducted in September 2016. The databases searched were Medline at Pubmed and Embase. Medline at Pubmed was searched by using the key words “Diabetes Mellitus” (MESH) and “bone turnover markers” leading to more than 250 potential studies limited to human studies. Biochemical markers of bone resorption and bone formation were lower in patients with type 2 diabetes compared to patients with type 1 diabetes. Bone turnover markers were negatively associated with p-glucose. In conclusion, some BTMs may yield the potential to predict fractures in diabetes patients. Keywords: bone turnover, diabetes mellitus. Title: Systematic review of bone turnover Biochemical markers in diabetes mellitus (DM) Author: Saeed Aqeel Alzubaidi, Asim Ibrahim Bin Salman, Aabed Abdullah Alguraigari, Abdulaziz mohammed bamberook, Fahad Sultan Al-Rajhi, Hamzah yahya khogah International Journal of Healthcare Sciences ISSN 2348-5728 (Online) Research Publish Journals

Vol. 4, Issue 2, October 2016 – March 2017

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Systematic review of bone turnover Biochemical markers in diabetes mellitus (DM) by Saeed Aqeel Alzubaidi, Asim Ibrahim Bin Salman, Aabed Abdullah Alguraigari, Abdulaziz mohammed bamberook, Fahad Sultan Al-Rajhi, Hamzah yahya khogah