Abstract: Communications between computers on a network is done through protocol suits. The most widely used and most widely available protocol suite is TCP/IP protocol suite. A protocol suit consists of a layered architecture where each layer depicts some functionality which can be carried out by a protocol. Each layer usually has more than one protocol options to carry out the responsibility that the layer adheres to. TCP/IP is normally considered to be a 4 layer system. The 4 layers are as follows: 1. Application layer, 2. Transport layer, 3. Network layer, 4. Data link layer.
Keywords: Protocol suit, Datagram, Packet, Addressing, Routing, Fragmentation, Application.
Author: Sravya Mundra, Professor Tarik El Taeib
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research
ISSN 2348-1196 (print), ISSN 2348-120X (online)
Research Publish Journals